A Step-by-Step Guide To Our New Intranasal Therapy For Feelings Of Despair And Hopelessness.

At GoodMind Therapeutics, we’re dedicated to pioneering innovative approaches to mental health therapies. We now offer intranasal therapy for eligible patients that is used to help manage treatment-resistant low mood.

Importantly, this therapy is administered under the guidance of a healthcare professional in our Sydney CBD treatment centre. It’s designed for individuals struggling with persistent emotional challenges and aims to improve mood regulation and overall well-being. It may not, however, be effective for all patients.

To determine if our intranasal therapy is appropriate for you, a healthcare provider will carefully evaluate your condition and medical history. They will consider factors such as your symptoms, current medications, and any underlying health conditions. This personalised assessment will help ensure that the treatment is appropriate for your individual needs. Learn more about eligibility here.

The Treatment Journey

The journey to using our nasal spray treatment begins with a comprehensive screening and assessment process for each patient:

  1. Initial Online Screening: Patients start their treatment journey by filling out an online screening form. This crucial first step helps identify appropriate patients for the therapy, ensuring that the treatment aligns with their specific needs.
  2. Telehealth Consultation: Following the screening, a telehealth appointment with a nurse practitioner is scheduled. This session allows for a detailed discussion of the patient’s medical history and current emotional challenges.
  3. Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment: A deeper dive into the patient’s mental health is conducted through a psychiatric assessment by a psychiatrist. This evaluation is vital for tailoring the treatment plan to the individual’s requirements.

Our ARTG-registered nasal spray treatment offers a structured approach to helping to manage persistent emotional challenges. The treatment is administered and monitored in Sydney and involves three phases:

  1. Induction Phase: 8 sessions to initiate treatment and assess your response.
  2. Maintenance Phase: 4 sessions to consolidate the benefits and maintain progress.
  3. Ongoing Phase: Ongoing, tailored to your individual needs and treatment response.

During each session, you will self-administer the medication intranasally under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Following administration, there will be a period of observation to monitor your response and manage any potential side effects.

Are There Side Effects of The Intranasal Therapy?

Common side effects of the treatment may include dizziness, nausea, and a temporary increase in blood pressure. Your healthcare provider will discuss all potential side effects with you in detail before starting treatment and provide guidance on managing them if they occur.

After each session, you will receive ongoing support and monitoring from your healthcare provider to gauge the effectiveness of your treatment. This includes the opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

Financial Considerations

Medicare rebates may be available for both the nurse practitioner and psychiatrist assessments. Please contact our clinic to discuss your individual circumstances and explore pricing options.

About GoodMind Therapeutics

GoodMind Therapeutics is an Approved Treatment Centre in Sydney CBD. Currently regulations only permit this treatment to be provided in approved centres, and our clinicians are trained and approved in this therapy.

At GoodMind Therapeutics, we’re committed to providing personalised care and support. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate your mental health journey with compassion and expertise. 


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