Privacy Policy

At GoodMind Therapeutics, safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and clients engaged in ongoing consultations and psychedelic medicine administration is one of our key priorities. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information collected and stored by GoodMind Therapeutics and how we utilise this information. We gather and utilise personal information in strict adherence to applicable laws, notably the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles that are applicable to GoodMind Therapeutics. Please note that our website might contain links to third-party websites that are not managed by us, and therefore, they are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

For any inquiries or further details regarding our Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].

Collection and Usage of Personal Information

In this Privacy Policy, the term ‘Personal Information’ pertains to any information or viewpoint that identifies you or aids in reasonably identifying your identity. Personal Information encompasses data such as your name, contact details (like residential or mailing address, email address, date of birth, and phone number), and information regarding your health and medical conditions. Information that cannot be reasonably linked to your identity (such as IP addresses, browser information, favourite websites, or website user count) falls outside the scope of personal information and is not governed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). At GoodMind Therapeutics, we collect and retain personal information related to our clients, medical and allied healthcare professionals, and the general public. The personal information we gather is mainly associated with our services and products, including ongoing consultations and the administration of psychedelic medicine. It’s important to note that browsing our website does not expose your identity. If you opt to register for our personalised services, which include ongoing consultations and psychedelic medicine administration, we may request your name and other personal particulars. The decision to provide this information is entirely at your discretion. Nevertheless, opting not to provide your personal information might impact our ability to offer personalised products and services, including ongoing consultations and the administration of psychedelic medicine. The scope of personal information collected may vary based on your interactions with GoodMind Therapeutics but will be limited to the information essential for managing our engagement with you or as allowed or mandated by law. By sharing personal information and/or continuing to interact with GoodMind Therapeutics, you consent to the collection, usage, and disclosure of your personal information according to this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

Whenever you access our website, our web servers automatically save details such as your browser and operating system, IP address, Internet Service Provider, the originating website, the pages you view on our site, and the duration of your visit. GoodMind Therapeutics maintains this data for security purposes. We may also analyse anonymous or de-identified data sets for statistical analysis. Personal information can be collected through our website (for instance, via online forms), telephone inquiries, or reports of adverse reactions. We exclusively gather personal information provided by you, and you have the full freedom to decide whether or not to share this information. If you contact us, your personal information may be collected, including but not limited to your name, contact information (e.g., address, phone number), business and professional details (if applicable), the nature of your inquiry or adverse reaction report, and pertinent details such as age, gender, medical condition, or treatment.

If you reach out to us via telephone, your information might be collected through recorded voice messages when our staff isn’t available to take a call, and you choose to leave a message. The choice to provide this information is entirely yours.

Information Use

GoodMind Therapeutics may use personal information primarily for the intended purposes of collection or other related objectives as permissible by law. These purposes may include:

Providing ongoing consultations, including the administration of psychedelic medicine, within any treatment program you may have commenced with GoodMind Therapeutics.
Maintaining records of medical queries, product complaints, and adverse events, along with fulfilling reporting obligations to relevant regulatory authorities such as the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Enhancing and evaluating our services and products through monitoring.
Sharing information on products or services you’ve requested, including advice.
Delivering materials about our products and activities that could be of interest to you (with the option to opt out).
Fulfilling legal notification requirements (e.g., product recalls).
Monitoring and assessing compliance with applicable regulations and codes of conduct.
Generating customer lists for market research.

For any of the aforementioned purposes, GoodMind Therapeutics may disclose your personal information to service providers in Australia (such as registered medical practitioners for health monitoring and prescription, and registered pharmacists for dispensing products under prescription), as well as regulatory authorities both within and outside Australia as mandated by law. Our staff and service providers handling personal

information is bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations as defined by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and relevant privacy laws, in addition to this Privacy Policy. Non-personal information like IP addresses may be utilised for security, system administration, enforcing compliance with our Terms of Use, and protecting our products, services, and website. De-identified information could also be used to meet our reporting commitments under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth).


Cookies are small data files placed on your computer by web servers when you visit specific websites. This website employs cookies to recognise regular visitors and gather information about website usage. These cookies do not collect or store personal information. Cookies do not personally identify users but rather identify users’ browsers. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can deactivate the ‘Save Cookies’ function or configure your browser to notify you whenever cookies are transmitted.

Online Privacy Policy Exclusive

This privacy policy pertains exclusively to our online activities and is applicable to visitors of our website in relation to the information they share or collect on GoodMind Therapeutics. This policy does not apply to information collected offline or through channels other than our website.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Any revisions, amendments, or changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Visitors to our website are responsible for periodically reviewing this page to stay informed about potential amendments. The updated Privacy Policy will be binding between us, regardless of whether specific notice of changes has been provided.


By using our website, participating in ongoing consultations, and engaging in psychedelic medicine administration, you implicitly consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to abide by its Terms and Conditions.